We help manage overall costs and timelines by thoroughly inspecting all of our molds. Our team provides in-house mold tryouts and verification for all tool functionality. Our experts stay on the same project every step of the way and will fully evaluate and confirm complete compliance before each tool leaves our facility. Even long after delivery we work with our customers to integrate any late product changes accurately into the existing tool.
Firstly, our customers receive three sets of parts during the tuning process to ensure they are up to their specifications. The molds are properly packed and the necessary tool shops are contacted to ensure they are ready to receive the molds.
Now we’re ready to facilitate transportation. Once the molds arrive in North America they are sent to the tool shops. If necessary, we’ll send an engineer to assess and run trials to inspect parts. From there, we’ll tune the mold to fit any specifications.
The molds will be delivered to the customer’s shop for tryouts at their own production speeds. Any graining or texture will be added and sent back for additional tryouts. This cycle will repeat as necessary to accommodate any engineering changes.
The final stage of our production part approval process! Parts will go through a final checklist to prove that they meet all drawing and specification requirements. Once the parts are completely accepted, they will be ready to be sent out to any OEMs.
Silver Basis Engineering stands by the quality of the tools we produce. If any issues with our molds should arise, we’ll send out an engineer to fully inspect and analyze your situation. Our team will help facilitate the process to address your concerns in a timely manner. We work around the clock to get you the services you need exactly when you need them.
We're proud to deliver high-quality injection molding services.